To Governments at the COP27 and the G20 Summit: Deliver actions on climate and economic justice!
As COP27 and the G20 Summit begin to wind down, the updates so far are filled with news of scant outcomes and lack of agreement on key issues. World leaders and decision-makers assembled at these two important spaces to respond to the escalating global crises have a huge responsibility toContinue Reading
Statement of solidarity with Indonesian civil society
We, the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) stand in solidarity with the Indonesian people who are being deprived of their rights to free speech and assembly at a time when G20 governments urgently need to hear voices of people most impacted by the multiple economic, health andContinue Reading
WE ARE WORKERS TOO! Recognizing unpaid care workers through tax and fiscal justice
Download the PDF Version: CLICK HERE Governments’ reliance on indirect taxes to raise revenues adds more burden to low-income families, instead of economic relief. Value-added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST), and excise taxes on fuel are especially burdensome for women who generally earn less than men and who takeContinue Reading