JSAPMDD is organizing a series of activities this April to tackle crucial issues on water, climate, taxes and gender concerns.
JSAPMDD is organizing a series of activities this April to tackle crucial issues on water, climate, taxes and gender concerns.
From April 19-22, JSAPMDD will join the Association for Women’s Rights and Development (AWID) in a forum dubbed “Transforming Economic Power to Advance Women’s Rights and Justice” in Istanbul Turkey. According to AWID, the forum aims “to explore how economic power is impacting on women and the planet, and to facilitate connections among the very diverse groups working on these issues from both human rights and justice approaches so that together we contribute to stronger, more effective strategies to advance women’s rights and justice.”
JSAPMDD is organizing a workshop on Tax Justice and Women: Examining Gender Inequalities in the Tax System on April 21 at the Eyup Room, Halic Congress Center in Istanbul, Turkey. This session aims to examine justice issues in tax structures and policies with a special focus on gender justice and impacts on women.
The alliance will also conduct a workshop on Climate Justice and Reparations for Climate Debt: Feminist Reflections and Grassroots Women’s Experiences and Struggles on April 22 at the Haskoy Room, Halic Congress Center in Istanbul Turkey. The session is open to all women’s groups interested to take part or currently working on the global Climate Justice and Reparations for Climate Debt campaign. It aims to surface feminist perspectives on Climate Justice and the country and regional initiatives done to further strengthen the campaign.
JSAPMDD is also participating in the thirteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIII) Civil Society Forum that will be held in Doha, at the Qatar National Convention Centre from April 17 to 26.
On April 18, JSAPMDD, LDC Watch, South Asian Alliance on Poverty Eradication, (SAAPE), Third World Network (TWN), Freedom from Debt Coalition will hold a workshop on Trade and Climate Justice: Climate Justice and its Implications and Impacts on Trade Policies and Agreements at the Qatar National Convention Center in Doha, Qatar. The event will be an opportunity to exchange ideas on how climate justice should be part of the framework for the pursuit of trade justice.
On April 23, JSAPMDD, LDC Watch, South Asian Alliance on Poverty Eradication, (SAAPE), Third World Network (TWN), Freedom from Debt Coalition will organize a session on Trade and Tax Justice: Implications and Impacts of Trade Policies and Agreements on Tax Justice and Capacity of Developing Countries for Domestic Resource Mobilization at the Qatar National Convention Center in Doha, Qatar. The event will be an opportunity to examine the impact and implications of Trade Policies and Agreements on Tax Justice and the ability of developing countries to mobilize resources.
This April 12-13, JSAPMDD in cooperation with KRUHA and the NGO Forum on ADB is holding a Regional Study Workshop on the Framework and Policy of International Financial Institutions on Water Resource Management at the Puri Sawo Manila Guesthouse in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The study workshop looks into the World Bank’s Water Resource Management (WRM) and the Asian Development Bank’s Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). The activity aims to start the process of developing a collective understanding, analysis and critique among JSAPMDD members of the Water Resource Management framework and policies promoted by the World Bank and the ADB. The results of the workshop will be part of a paper that JSAPMDD will develop to build consensus among its members.