Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Bangladesh for Democratic Governance and Respect for Human Rights

We, the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), reiterate our deepest solidarity with the students and people of Bangladesh as they begin to rebuild their country from the ashes of a discredited autocratic regime, towards fully democratic governance, the  realization and protection of all human rights, and the establishment of an equitable and just economic and political system.  

We salute the courage and resolve of democratic and progressive movements and institutions, especially of  the youth and students, who were unfazed by the brutal tactics and violence unleashed on them. They have sent a resounding message to other parts of the world similarly threatened by authoritarian regimes. No force can stand in the way of the power of a people united to effect profound change.  We wish them much  greater strength as many challenges will persist and new ones will emerge. The road ahead also offers many opportunities for transformative actions, rejecting the elitist and authoritarian rule of the past.

We express deepest sympathies and demand justice and recompense for the victims of all the human rights violations – those who were  killed, injured, traumatized or imprisoned. Perpetrators must be held fully responsible.

Bangladesh now needs all available resources to get back on its feet,  address long-festering inequalities and the heavy economic toll of multiple crises including the impacts of Sheik Hasina’s intransigence which is estimated in the billions of dollars. We call on all lenders to cancel the public debts of Bangladesh including those incurred by the fallen regime which has been renounced as illegitimate. We call on the governments of the Global North to fully deliver on their overdue climate finance obligations.  We call on public and private financial institutions to stop funding harmful projects and policies in Bangladesh which will only exacerbate the suffering of people and undermine rebuilding efforts.

We stand behind the efforts of the movements, communities and people of Bangladesh to take this historic opportunity to move in the direction of realizing a genuinely equitable, democratic, sustainable and rights-based Bangladesh.

Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development
August 2024

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