Warning of greater fiscal risk amid the multiple crises, experts and debt justice campaigners called attention to rising public debt from private creditors and discussed ways to address this in a webinar organized by APMDD last June 21.  The discussion, Public burden, private gain: Sovereign debt “relief” from private lenders, took placeContinue Reading

This year’s G7 Summit is again approaching in a world that has seen little progressive change but has instead fallen deeper into debt bondage, inequality and impoverishment under a neoliberal system led and maintained by the richest countries. Bearing the heaviest yoke of debt burdens are the billions of peopleContinue Reading

Another meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank has come and gone, and with predictable responses to the multiple crises of economic recession, public health and climate change – limited in scope and scale, short-term and even more debt-creating. Conditions have grown more severe as the Ukraine-RussiaContinue Reading