For over four decades, the ascendance of fiscal austerity as a multifaceted political and economic project within the larger ambit of structural adjustment has shaped the economic, political, and social realities of countries and communities across the Global South. In the context of an international financial architecture that provides littleContinue Reading

For 80 years, the IMF and World Bank have played a key role in the global financial system. However, both institutions have failed to provide resilience and stability to global finance. Their interventions in debt crises have often worsened social and economic inequalities. By focusing on austerity measures, promoting neoliberalContinue Reading

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently become a prominent topic in Sri Lanka due to the austerity measures it proposed to address the country’s debt crisis. These measures have increased taxes for ordinary citizens, even as the previous interim government warned that Sri Lanka would face further difficulties ifContinue Reading