Civil society leaders from the Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Indonesia urged China to “act swiftly in leading Asia’s just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy,” especially since Asia continues to lack access to electricity and suffers the brunt of the climate crisis.”They made the call in a pressContinue Reading

PRESS RELEASE: April 19, 2024 Activists gathered on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the IMF and World Bank in Washington DC today to demand “deep, wide and urgent debt cancellation” for Global South countries. Demonstrations were also held in the Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal.  “WhileContinue Reading

Climate campaigners staged a rally in Makati City’s business district on March 1, 2024 to call on big insurance companies to stop insuring and underwriting fossil fuel projects. The activists demanded that the top insurers end their support for coal, oil and gas companies which are the culprits behind theContinue Reading

(Originally published in Khaleej Times (published Thu 30 Nov 2023) by Angel Tesorero; Video clip courtesy of Khaleej Times) Standing in solidarity with the people of Palestine, a global network of climate justice and human rights organisations, has called for a permanent ceasefire and scaling up of humanitarian aid inContinue Reading