The Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) is a regional alliance of peoples’ movements, community organizations, coalitions, NGOs and networks.
Its Role and Tasks
- Develop and advance collective campaigns and joint actions of movements and peoples organizations to advance common struggles in the regional and global arenas
- Catalyze and enhance national and local campaigns of peoples’ organizations, movements and allied institutions in different countries – as the foundation of regional and global campaigns
- Develop and expand the contribution of Asia/Pacific movements to the strengthening of south-south and south-north global campaigns and movements
- In the process, build global and regional movements, and strengthen national movements
- Demand the accountability and the fulfillment of responsibilities and obligations of governments and inter-governmental institutions
- Change the processes, policies, and structures of governments and inter-governmental institutions
- Contribute to the transformation of national and international economic and financial relations, structures and system
The Focus of APMDD’s work
APMDD believes in social transformation that is all encompassing and interrelated: it is economic, political, cultural and environmental and has class, ethnicity/race and gender dimensions.
As its contribution to social transformation, it will focus on: People-Centered Development, Economic and Environmental Rights and Justice
Transforming the International Financial System
- Freedom from Debt Campaign (illegitimate and unsustainable debt)
- Fighting for Fiscal Justice: Taxes and Spending
- Promoting SDR Finance
- New Advocacies to be developed:
- Contributing to Food Sovereignty – looking at food staples commodity speculation
- Contributing to struggles against extractive industries: looking at finance issues
Reparations for Climate Debt, Addressing the roots of the Climate Crisis, Preventing catastrophic climate change
- Climate Finance: Sources, Structures, Allocation and Spending
- No to IFIs in Climate
- Emissions Cuts through domestic measures in legally binding agreements; opposing false solutions
- Resisting privatization of Water and Power Services
- Fighting for peoples’ rights and access to, clean, safe, quality and adequate water and power services
- Promoting just, equitable and sustainable use and management of related environmental resources, focusing on water and power, looking at links to climate
- Gender dimensions and women’s issues within the other program areas
- Economic Empowerment of Women
With the Role and Policies of International Financial Institutions as a cross-cutting issue in the above programs
- Regional Structures and Processes
- Membership Expansion, Participation, Communications and Working Relations
- Regional office
- Contributing to building APMDD as a global movement